• Specificities of Northern and Rural Philanthropy – Literature Review (funded by PhiLab)
  • Community Foundations, Communities and the North (funded by PhiLab and Nipissing University SSHRC Small Institution Grant)
  • Cartographie des pratiques de la philanthropie appliquée de Mission Inclusion aux régions québécoises [Summaire PDF] (funded by


Brouard, F., Litalien, M., Brown, N. (2023). Definitions of Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric Communities in a Philanthropic Context, CORNPhil #2023-01RR, Research Report, Consortium of Rural and Northern Philanthropy (CORNPhil), Nipissing University / Carleton University, February 15, 62p.[DOWNLOAD PDF]


Brouard, F., Litalien, M., Brown, N. (2024). «Définition de la ruralité, de la nordicité et des communautés périphériques», 92e Congrès de l’ACFAS 2024, Colloque #613 La recherche en zones rurales, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, mai. Diapos PDF

Brouard, F., Litalien, M., Brown, Natalya, Definitions of Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric Communities in a Philanthropic ContextPARG Research Session, Professional Accounting Research Group (PARG), Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, December 18, 2023.

Brouard, F., Adams, G., Berge, S.T., Ensign, S.C, Lionais, D. (2021). «Panel – Rural Social Enterprises Ecosystem», ANSER-ARES 2021 Annual Conference, Association for Nonprofit and Social Economic Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES), virtual, May 27-28. (panel coordinator)

Ensign, S., Brouard, F., Lionais, D., Berge, S.T. (2021). «Rural Social Enterprises Ecosystem: a research project», ANSER-ARES 2021 Annual Conference, Association for Nonprofit and Social Economic Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES), virtual, May 27-28. (panel coordinator)

Adams, G., Brouard, F. (2021). «Rural Social Enterprises Ecosystem: an integrated framework», ANSER-ARES 2021 Annual Conference, Association for Nonprofit and Social Economic Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES), virtual, May 27-28.

Brouard, F., Litalien, M., Brown, N., Gibson, R., Lindgren, A., Perreault, L., Kosovac Sykes, A., Webb, A. (2021). «Roundtable Philab Ontario: Activities and Projects», ANSER-ARES 2021 Annual Conference, Association for Nonprofit and Social Economic Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES), virtual, May 27-28. (organizer and moderator/facilitator with M. Litalien)

Litalien, M., Brown, N., Brouard, F., Adams, G. (2021). «Exploration of Northern Philanthropic Ecosystem in Canada», Philab Ontario Hub Regional Conference 2021, Session 2: Sector-specific challenges, (virtual) 12 May. Slides 2/page / Slides 6/page